
Our Mad Scientist, Boss or
Coffee Dude as We Call Him

Our Master Roaster is at times a bit on the peculiar side as most mad scientists can be. It is not uncommon to see small packages coming in with single kilos of coffee beans from all around the world just to have them snatched from our hands as he heads back to the lab to create something magnificent.

More than once he has been seen talking to coffee beans before dropping carefully examined precisely measured amounts of beans into a small 1lb roaster then with a scientific calculator, his book, computers and a stopwatch he works from his senses to the roasted bean drop to create the perfect cup.

Each profile test takes time. After the roasting is completed the beans are cooled, bagged and sealed for the off-gassing process. During this time, he measures the escaping gasses to know that if the profile becomes a part of the Terra Sapor offerings, that everything from green bean to shipping is perfectly controlled.

There is no coffee that every comes from the Terra Sapor roasters that is deemed “good enough”. Good enough, does not exist in our world only perfect is acceptable.