Daily Blends

Daily Blends

The perfect blends for your daily coffee
16oz Bean Only $15.95 - Single Origin Washed Process

Sedona Arizona is a city that is vibrant in its surrounding colors that all meld together to create a place you just want to be. Our Sedona Coffee is all of that in a cup. Considered a City Roast, Sedona offers a balance of a lighter roast coffee with a hint of earthy blue fruit aromas balanced with just the right acidity and smoothness to be a daily coffee perfect for any time of the day.

Battle Ground
16oz Bean Only $15.95 - Single Origin Natural Process

Named after our founding location in Washington State, Battle Ground is a City + roast that offers a slightly bolder taste profile that you will taste from the beginning to end of a sip. Battle Ground is not an assault on your taste buds. This roast is more of a connection of all your taste sensations.