Coffee is Personal

Coffee is Personal

Coffee is a personal experience and what we offer you is a guide only on brewing the perfect cup of Terra Sapor. Yet, we more than anyone else understand that what may be perfect to one is not to another. And that my friend is the true essence of coffee.

We invite you to experiment with your coffee to make it yours. But we do not endorse using more coffee than recommended, instead we would rather know that you are experimenting with grinds over grams. It is amazing what a slightly finer grind will do for the taste of your coffee if you are wanting a more robust or full experience. Finer grinds in a Pour Over coffee vessel means more time for extraction as it takes longer for the water to find its way through the coffee and into the vessel. Coarser grinds take less time to slow the water down and create a different profile.

With one of our signature single origin shade grown Ethiopian natural coffees it can go from a flavor of mild essences of fruit and floral to a woodsy slightly more pronounced flavor with just a change in the grind and extraction time.

True changing of a profile happens in roasting but, with any coffee roast you are the master of your cup and we firmly believe that you will find your perfect cup easily with our precision roast.

We do insist though that you never pour boiling water straight onto the grind. The shock of boiling water can be disastrous to the flavor. Sip a bit of boiling water and tell us what you can taste for the next three days. Just kidding, do not sip boiling water we want you to be able to enjoy coffee.

Let the water come off boil the sweet spot is between 190°f and 200°f or 87°c to 93°c this will assure that you are not burning what we so meticulously created for you.

Your personal experience is the reason that we do not offer standardized ground coffee. Frankly, we feel standard ground is a waste of superb coffee. You can only add or subtract the amount of coffee you use and even then, you have to question if it is the best it can be. However, we will custom grind any coffee to your specification for a small fee if you do not have a good quality burr grinder.