Down the Mineshaft

Down the Mineshaft

The Prospector
16oz Whole Bean $15.95 Three Origin Washed Process

Roasted just past the stage of offering anything sweet. The "Prospector" is just past a medium roast coffee or a “Full City” roast with flavors of the outdoors.

Many consider the Prospector the "Eureka" blend of coffee from their first taste. And yes, there have been a few that have had this blend actually shouted out "Eureka"

From the beginning of written history there have been Prospectors seeking the gifts of the earth. It is only fitting that we pay homage to those sturdy folks that helped shaped our Nation.

Old Sourdough
16oz Whole Bean $15.95 Single Origin Extended Washed Process

The Sourdough is that old timer, Treasure of the Sierra Madras Walter Houston character that everyone remembers, gruff, brash, little out there and the hero we all wanted to see win.

This blend is also small batched roasted twice a month by demand and offers a bit more than the Prospector in that it includes a different level of boldness that you taste across your entire pallet. The acidity hits the side of your tongue, a sweetness across the front and a bold but not bitter glides down the back of your mouth.

Through our roasting we have tamed bitterness while letting the jitters run free. in other words, this Old Sourdough will have you talking to the Mules.

Our Blends: Daily Blends  Bolder Blends  Heritage